Ice-Cream Head

Ice-Cream Head

I have tolerated many things in this household—being woken up for “cuddles,” the dog’s unbearable enthusiasm, and the occasional empty food bowl (a true tragedy). But this? This is a new low.

My humans, in their infinite wisdom (or lack thereof), decided that I should become an ice cream cone. Yes, you heard me. They placed a waffle cone headpiece on my dignified feline head, complete with pink and blue scoops and—oh, the indignity—a smiling cherry on top. I suppose they thought it was cute. I, on the other paw, am questioning everything.

I mean, was this really necessary? What message are they trying to send? That I’m sweet? That I’m delicious? That my existence is a joke? If they think I’ll parade around willingly like some kind of festive dessert, they clearly underestimate my ability to remove ridiculous objects from my head with one swift paw swipe.

Still, I’ll admit... the extra treats and attention are tempting. If enduring this nonsense means more snacks, perhaps I’ll allow it. For now. But know this, humans—revenge is coming. 😾🍦


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